First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program

First Nations

The First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program (FNTMP) is a new, free mentoring program for First Nations tourism businesses across Australia, matching businesses with skilled and experienced mentors. This program is designed to support mentees to grow their tourism businesses and achieve their business goals. Mentees will have access to expert advice, tailored learning, and culturally respectful industry specialists.

How to apply for the program?

Applying for the program is easy. Simply visit to get started. 

Do you want free mentoring?

Eligible First Nations tourism businesses will be matched with an experienced mentor who will work with you on a one-on-one basis to support your business achieve its goals and flourish.
This program is for businesses that are:

  • 50 per cent or more First Nations owned
  • Operating in the tourism sector or associated supply chain e.g. cafes and restaurants, accommodation providers, etc
  • ‘Semi mature’ – that is, it is active and currently in operation and has products or services which are or can be made available to domestic and/or international visitors.

There is no cost to businesses for this service – the FNTMP is free for mentees to access.


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