EOI - TV Marketing Opportunities


Segment value: Up to $30,000

Buy-in cost: $750+GST

MBRIT are excited to bring eligible Moreton Bay tourism and hospitality operators a TV opportunity to get involved with for Channel 7’s WEEKENDER series. Filming to take place early November.

WEEKENDER is the ultimate guide to showcasing new and different holiday options to potential visitors and is broadcast throughout Queensland and Australia.

Consumer insights and ratings:

  1. 7 on Sunday 5:30pm metro 87K avg (196K peak); regional 65K avg (154K peak);
  2. Saturday 7TWO 6K avg / consolidated reach 157K with 7plus
  3. Total viewers per week 1,634,000
  4. Social stats: 17.2M Facebook Reach; 4.3M Facebook Video Views; 46.5K Total Instagram Followers; 421K avg Weekly Facebook Reach; 1.1M Facebook Engagement; 585K Instagram Reach; 100K Total Facebook Followers; 12L Avg Weekly Instagram Reach
  5. Audience: 28.8% Brisbane; 34.2% Regional QLD

MBRIT has a discounted opportunity only available to eligible operators in the City of Moreton Bay to be featured in a segment for $750+gst (value per segment is over $6,000).


  • You must operate in the City of Moreton Bay
  • Provide your product/experience/meal/accommodation complimentary for filming
  • Agree to contribute $750+gst

Please note limited spaces are available. We will do our best to ensure the opportunity is shared around, however the TV producers make the final decision on the best fit for each episode. Successful operators will be contacted by an MBRIT representative to arrange filming.

More information on Weekender or an example of past products can be seen HERE.

If you're interested in being featured on Channel 7's Weekender series, please submit your EOI via the form below.


Read more about ATDW: https://www.mbrit.au/learning-modules/atdw-tourism-business-directory

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